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Sunday, 20 March 2022 22:14

Contractor Web Design for NKB Builders in Mount Prospect Featured

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Contractor Website Developer by local Web Designer in Mount Prospect

Website Design Client:   NKB Builders

Location:  Mount Prospect, IL


This remodeling contractor found AdverGroup while searching Google for a local website designer. Within our initial conversation this contractor explained that their current website did not have the look and feel they desired. They felt that the Wix website site delivered by their former web designer (who was not local),  did not match the image they were looking to portray. Furthermore, it was not cutting it in conquering search engine results pages. Therefore, they sought new local web designer to help them fix the design and to target a handful of local cities and villages for their remodeling construction business. 

Upon completing our initial discussion this contractor was sure that AdverGroup was the best local web designer they had consulted with. Therefore, they felt confident in having us move forward with redeveloping their contractor website.

This SEO Optimized Contractor Website Design included:

  • AdverGroup developed a custom contractor website for this contractor located in Mount Prospect using the Joomla Content Management System.
  • Included "animated upon scrolling custom headers for every service page".
  • Website included a full screen overlay slider on the home page for desktop users, and a still image slide show header for users on mobile devices.
  • SEO Optimized Content Creation for geographical landing pages targeted by this local Remodeling Contractor.  
  • SEO Optimized Contractor Portfolio. This is where AdverGroup's knowledge of construction comes in handy. Having developed numerous contractor websites, a contractor can simply provide photos and AdverGroup can observe the work and write in-depth articles expanding on the work depicted in those photographs.
  • Included custom web design and custom graphic design for use on custom SEO Contractor website.
  • Expedited Web Design Services resulted in this website being completed and launched within 5 days.
  • Contractor website design included configuration of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Portfolio included image gallery component that allowed this contractor to exhibit their workin using a responsive gallery light box.

Gallery Local Mount Prospect Web Designer for contractor websites

Contact AdverGroup today for assistance in achieving professional search optimized contractor website that will help your business conquer search engines.  We provide professional search engine optimized contractor websites that are built with the intention to conquer search engines. We are considered among the best contractor website developers because we offer complete packages that include training that helps our contractor clients keep their website growing. 

Read 3867 times Last modified on Sunday, 02 July 2023 02:16